The Power of Interconnected Mechanobiology (I-MECH)

The Ordered, Binary Code of the Human Person

For anything to operate well it must function normally. To get the best performance from a car, it must be ‘tuned-up’ to the specifications for which it was designed to operate. If it is not, it will still function, but not to its fullest potential. Although people are much more complex than a car, this basic concept applies to the human person as well.

Understanding “normal” human function is not always clear. Before we can talk about functioning normally, we must have some kind of idea what normal is. We can start by seeing that normal function requires order. Anything that is made up of many parts requires that each part operates properly. If one part doesn’t operate as it should, the whole will be effected adversely. The human person is obviously a complex matrix of many parts. The physical complexity alone is mind boggling! But there is also the mental, emotional, spiritual and relational aspects of human life, which are all part of one big, interdependent complex, functioning as a single unit.

To live life to the highest potential requires efficient function of this complex mechanism. Since the everyday stresses and strains of life constantly disrupt the complex order of the body, it is important to understand the body’s mechanisms which work to restore function.

Ongoing disorder will hinder good function and often cause pain. The pain will get your attention, but it is the dysfunction that should be addressed. Dysfunction is only corrected by restoring order.

This is what PRI specializes in. We address the cause of pain, restore natural order, and restore function on the deepest level, while helping people resolve the cause of their pain and reach their full potential. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with one of our Specialists!